
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You mean you care what I say?

I went on a date last week. It was a blind double date. Actually not really but sort of. My friend met this guy, H,  when we were out dancing one night. She introduced me to him and his friend, J, but that was all. She started Dating H and we decided to go on a double date. He brought along his roommate J but I don't think either of them remember meeting me, so it was kind a a blind date on my part but not for my friend.
Any way.

J and H are young, I call them babies because really they are just, well, babies. Only 22. Six years younger than me and my friend K. Oh well.

So we went to their apartment for dinner. Let me just say, I have never been more impressed by a group of young men. J and H live in an apartment with 3 other young men. Their apartment was clean, the dinner was good and they were very gentlemanly. They pulled out chairs, they let us get our food first, they cleared out plates. Even the other roommates that were not officially on a "date".

In fact my date was a little involved with a zombie video game, which no big deal, I actually would have been happy to sit and watch but one of the other roommates took it upon himself to visit. Ask questions and respond like he was really interested.

After dinner, and the zombies were all killed, the four of us, sans extra roommates, headed to a haunted house. I love haunted houses. I love to be scared and then laugh at myself, however I prefer not to do this along. I knew K and H would stick together so I told J, in no uncertain terms, he was not to leave me alone.

I know J has no interest in me, I have no interest in him really, he was a nice kid and we could be friends, but that all. But that kid offered me his arm and did not let go the whole time. He made sure I was okay the first couple times I was scared (until he realized I was laughing) and even slowed down and wait until I grabbed his arm again before he moved on.

I was so impressed. Not just with J and H, but with all of the roommates

This will go to show just how pathetic my dating life is. That date was the best a guy has ever treated me.

It made me realize, all those random guys that I meet online and only want to talk about sex and my breast size, they are so not worth it.

I can expect a guy treat me with respect and open my door, because someone should be willing to do that for me.

That Worthy young man my grandma keeps telling me she's praying for?

He might just exist

Monday, October 24, 2011


I work with several guys, most of them are married. This morning I overheard a conversation and it really surprised me.

This gist of it is, S has a friend who recently got married. I'm not sure if it was this friend that had been married before or if his new wife had, either way, the new wife wanted the friend to change his last name, take her name not her take his. The new wife wanted to keep her maiden name.

So this is a little odd, but not unheard of, what surprises me is the conversation by my co-workers that follows.

T laughed, thought it was ridiculous. The friend would have to change everything! Insurance, drivers license, bank accounts etc. Poor guy

S Agreed,

T then asked what would happen if she kicked him to the curb. Would he keep the last name? would he have to change it all back? What a hassle

The S said with those demands its not a matter of if, but when new wife would kick the friend to the curb.

Um Sexist much Boys????

Both of their wives have changed their last name.

How is this any different than a man asking a woman to change hers? Really? When a woman gets married she is expected to change her name, and if she doesn't its a big deal. But for the man to change his name? "what a hassle" and "poor guy"

I honestly like these guys I work with. I admire them in a lot of ways, but unfortunately for them, and they will never know it, that little conversation knocked them down a peg or two.

I just can't believe something that is common and expected for a women is seen as a "hassle" and "pain" for a man!